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Testing Tips and Information About Amira

1.  Read the instructions carefully. Skipping reading the instructions can lead to errors. For instance, the directions may say that more than one answer is correct and you must select all answers. Another example is the directions may say to select the vocabulary answer that is opposite in meaning.

2.  Read each question carefully. After reading the problem carefully and paying attention to the details, underline the key words to help understand the question. Seek the information needed and narrow down the important information. Is the question asking for the sum? Does the answer require a synonym? ◦Recognize and ignore what is unnecessary. Often math word problems will provide extra information that you don’t need in order to solve the problem.
◦If you come across a question that is difficult, don’t spend all of your time on it. Move on and come back to it at the end.

3.  Read each answer carefully on multiple choice questions before you make a selection. ◦Eliminate all answers that are not correct.
◦Don’t fall into the trap of looking for patterns in the answers. There really can be four “B” answers in a row.

4.  Select a strategy. ◦Often there is more than one way to solve a problem. Chose the strategy that will work best for you. Will you draw a picture? Will you use the regrouping method? Will you use trial and error?
◦Don’t second guess yourself by changing your first answers unless you are 100% certain.

First page of the PDF file: AmiraParentLetter

Click the link above to see the LIT updates for December 11-15, 2023. Thank you !!